Ravensworth High School is a visual novel that follows Liz, a new student at the prestigious Ravensworth Academy. As Liz, players will embark on a journey of self-discovery, family, friendship, camaraderie, love, and drama. Players can collect stars, hearts, and coins as they progress through the game's linear and non-linear storyline, making choices that affect the outcome of their story.
If you're looking for more games like Ravensworth High School, be sure to check out the Girls category on KukiGame. You'll find a variety of other free games, online games, and browser games that are perfect for teen and young women.
If you're looking for a free game that's both fun and engaging, then Ravensworth High School is the perfect choice for you. With its high school theme and graphics, suitable for a teen and young women audience, Ravensworth High School is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end. Plus, with its linear and non-linear storyline, you'll be able to replay the game multiple times and make different choices each time, leading to different outcomes.
To play Ravensworth High School, simply click on the "Play" button on the game's page. You'll then be taken to the game's main menu, where you can choose to start a new game or load a saved game. Once you've started a new game, you'll be able to create your own character and choose your own name. You'll then be taken to the game's world, where you can explore the school, talk to other characters, and make choices that will affect the outcome of your story.